Polish banknotes recognition - mobile app

Open Source mobile app, which goal is to help visually handicapped people live the life we all do. By detecting our local currency's denomination (PLN - Polish zloty) using neural networks, it allows a user to know what banknote they're holding. The application provides support on a daily basis, such as going shopping, using ATMs, buying tickets or visiting restaurants.

Public code repository


About technologies

Mobile app

We're developing two versions of this application - one for Android and one for iOS. Both of them are written natively using corresponding technologies - Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS. Currently, supported system versions are:

  • iOS 11.0+ (iPhone 5s+)
  • Android #TODO

Neural network

The neural network we're working on is based on TensorFlow+Keras Image classification. In future, we are planning using Object Classification for detecting coins.


We're using datasets created by previous teams working on this subject (information about those are given in Acknowledgments section). About numbers, we currently have around 3500-4800 images per denomination, mostly in good quality with 0 or 1 banknote at it.

Getting Started




Team iOS

Team Android

Version History


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
