Mouth 3D

A prototype device and application designed to perform measurements of the human oral cavity in real time. The device is made of inexpensive elements, can be used in children's speech therapy.

The device

The device consists of a low-power structural laser and an endoscopic camera, combined in one casing. In order to make a measurement, the child opens his mouth wide so that the inside of the mouth is seen in the camera, and he tries to speak loudly characters given by the speech therapist.

Mouth 3D device

The application

The application enables a speech therapist to observe and do real-time oral cavity measurements when the child speaks. The main application window displays the image from the endoscopic camera of the inside of child's oral cavity, and shows measurements of real distances of the various fragments of the oral cavity. Distances are presented in millimeters on the camera image.

Mouth 3D application